Orders were to basically hold a village in the centre of the table and repel the oncoming Fallschirmajager. The game started well enough but then two Panzer II's showed up and basically ran amok! lol I assaulted with two infantry platoons armed with Sticky bombs and managed during the course of the game to kill 7 infantry stands and my 1iC by rolling "1's". My 2iC also got killed and I ended up with one command stand and about 18 infantry left. In the final turn the Germans threw everything they had at me, Arti, MG, HMG, A/T, but my lone officer manged to survive on a final roll of the dice, passing his motivation.
Second game was to hold the village of Kithanos, with some Cretan partizans and New Zealands, again against Fallschirmjager. Hidden in the buildings I managed to mow down most the Germans with rifle and HMG fire. Even the Cretans, hitting on a six wiped out one platoon of Fallschirmpioneers!
On the Saturday the third game was to repel a Fallschirmjager Para jump (Maleme Beach)and prevent them taking the village and getting on the big table (Maleme Airfield). The German drop lost half of one platoon when they landed in a minefield, and I managed to hold them up till turn 4. They had Von de Heydte leading them and his special rule kept bringing teams back from the dead(Very annoying!!) In the end I failed to pass a motivation to close assault, so the Germans captured the village.
Final game was Maleme Airfield, involving 6 players, My New Zealanders played it safe in this game and the Germans eventually took the objectives. All in all a great campaign and well done to Mark for organising it all. He's in the process of writing up reports in a "comic Strip" style.